Contestable Works2023-10-31T15:10:37+00:00

Contestable Works

Contestable Non-Contestable Works

When installing new electrical utility connections, there are two types of work to consider:

Non-contestable Works

Refers to tasks that can only be carried out by the host distribution network operator (DNO). This type of work is often sensitive and can significantly impact the day-to-day operation of DNO networks. As such, the DNO will only complete these works themselves, including establishing the Point of Connection and obtaining design approval.

Contestable Works

Are not monopolised by the host network and can be carried out by accredited Independent Connection Providers, such as AIS Utilities or the host DNO. The installation of cables associated with the new connection is contestable work. AIS Utilities manages both the contestable and non-contestable elements of a new connection to provide a complete connection solution.

As a result of the introduction of competition into the UK electrical distribution network, contestable works UK have emerged.

Contestable Works Definition | Law Insider

Contestable Works means the works that the Customer has an option to carry out itself or by appointing a contractor as more particularly described in the …


Contestable Works include but are not limited to:

  • The design for the electricity network extension and any contestable work reinforcement of the existing network.
  • The procurement and provision of equipment and materials to the DNO’s current specification.
  • Trenching and other site preparation, including the circuit routes between the development and the point of connection.
  • Construction of the network extension and any contestable work reinforcement and diversions.
  • Recording of work done and of the location of cable routes and other equipment on-site or elsewhere, and the provision of this information to the DNO
  • Reinstatement (both temporary, if appropriate and permanent) of the site, including the circuit routes.
  • Establish a final connection to the existing distribution network on occasion.
  • Some existing network diversions

Non-Contestable Works include:

  • Approval of contestable designs associated with the new connection and contestable reinforcements
  • We are determining the Point of Connection to the distribution system.
  • We are agreeing and obtaining any relevant Legal Consent that may be required.
  • The operation, repair and maintenance of the electrical plant and the electric lines.
  • We are carrying out any works to reinforce the distribution system where the conditions for such activity being contestable work still need to be met.
  • Removal or repositioning of existing electrical plant and electric lines.
  • The administrative costs of network adoption


Competition in the gas connections market has developed rapidly since its inception, and therefore developers are not limited by non-contestable works. Independent gas transporters have a nearly 50% market share. Generally, the only service deemed non-contestable is defining the Connected System Exit Point.


The network in your local area currently monopolises the water connections market. Although some services can be defined as Contestable, generally, developers are restricted regarding improving timescales and costs under the current system.


What is Contestable Costs in the Electricity Industry?2023-10-31T20:15:20+00:00

Contestable costs in the electricity industry refer to expenses or expenditures associated with elements of a project or service that are open to competition among multiple providers or contractors. These costs can vary depending on the specific project or context and often include expenses related to design, construction, installation, maintenance, and other services that can be offered by different companies through competitive bidding processes.

For example, in a large electrical infrastructure project, contestable costs might encompass expenses related to the design and installation of substations, power cables, or metering systems. By allowing multiple companies to bid for and provide these services, contestable costs aim to encourage cost-efficiency and innovation in the industry. This competitive approach can potentially result in cost savings and improved service quality for consumers.

How can companies participate in contestable works in the electricity industry?2023-10-31T20:15:20+00:00

Companies interested in participating in contestable works can typically do so by bidding on projects when opportunities are made available. They must meet certain qualifications and adhere to industry standards and regulations to ensure they are eligible to compete for these projects.

Are there regulations governing contestable works in electricity?2023-10-31T20:14:58+00:00

Yes, there are regulations and guidelines that govern contestable works in electricity. These regulations aim to ensure fair competition, safety, and quality standards. They help maintain a balance between competition and the need for reliable and secure electricity supply.

How does contestable works benefit consumers?2024-02-12T16:33:34+00:00

Contestable works can benefit consumers by introducing competition into the electricity industry, which can lead to lower costs, improved service quality, and innovation. When multiple companies can provide services, they have an incentive to be efficient and offer competitive prices.

Read more about Contestable Works Benefits >>

What are examples of contestable works in electricity?2023-10-31T20:14:50+00:00

Contestable works in electricity can include tasks like substation design, cable installation, metering, and even customer connections. These are activities where multiple companies can bid or compete to provide services, creating opportunities for cost savings and innovation.

What is perfectly contestable?2023-10-31T20:14:49+00:00

Perfectly contestable refers to a theoretical state in which any part of the electricity industry, including design and infrastructure, can be provided competitively, with no barriers to entry or exit. In reality, such a state is rarely achieved due to practical limitations and regulatory constraints, but it serves as a benchmark for promoting competition and efficiency in the industry.

What is non-contestable?2023-10-31T20:14:47+00:00

Non-contestable elements in electricity projects are those aspects that are typically retained by a regulated or monopoly provider and cannot be open to competition. These may include core infrastructure components like the main power grid or distribution networks that are considered essential services and are not subject to competitive bidding.

What does contestable design mean?2023-10-31T20:14:42+00:00

Contestable design refers to the part of an electrical project that can be designed, planned, and implemented by multiple parties, often through competitive bidding. This approach encourages efficiency and cost-effectiveness by allowing different contractors to propose design solutions, fostering competition and innovation in the design phase of electrical projects.

What does contestable mean in electricity?2023-10-31T20:14:39+00:00

Contestable in the context of electricity refers to aspects of electrical infrastructure and services that can be provided by multiple parties or contractors, rather than being monopolized by a single entity. These contestable works allow for competition in the industry, potentially leading to cost savings and improved services for consumers.

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